Saturday, June 19, 2010

Stream Hike

"The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures." -Rabindranath Tagore (Indian poet)

I have now been at camp for a full week, and just finished up my first Harlam Shabbat experience. Camp has grown to include many of my co-workers for the summer (including my amazing assistant unit head!). We are a well-traveled group, representing USA, Israel, England, Wales, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, and Scotland. The accents are a little hard to understand, but I think I'm doing ok so far.

Today, as a team building exercise, the unit supervisors and all our assistants took a hike through a stream in the woods. Although the slippery rocks caused a few tumbles, it was a really great use of an afternoon. I have grown closer with the other unit heads and am well on my way to creating bonds just as strong with the assistants who all arrived yesterday. Tomorrow, the remaining international staff will be pulling in (right now only those on waterfront and adventure staff are here) and in the days following I will meet all of the counselors who will be working in my unit. I finally know my way around camp and I know what people are talking about when they use special camp names for the buildings.

The connections I am making with my fellow staff members are on such an amazing level. It is so inspiring to be in nature with others who share my passions and priorities. I wish everyone could feel what this is like.

One week down, 9 to go.

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